Plastic surgery

Are you insecure about an aspect of your body? With plastic surgery, you'll put an end to doubts that keep you from enjoying life to the fullest.

Plastic surgery: our treatments

The professionals at Belgian Beauty Clinic are qualified plastic surgeons, each with their own specialisations.

This allows us to offer various aesthetic and cosmetic surgery procedures in a safe and professional manner, such as corrective surgery to the abdomen, buttocks, breasts and the face, intimate surgery, hair removal treatments and anti-wrinkle treatments for men and women.

Plastic surgery: do it for you!

Each body is beautiful in its own way, but perhaps you struggle to accept certain aspects of your appearance. The right treatment then can make a world of difference to your self-image. A plastic surgery procedure is often not major, but the impact on your happiness can be profound.


The decision to have plastic surgery is not one to be taken lightly

The first step towards plastic surgery can seem daunting at first. That's why at Belgian Beauty Clinic we take the time to listen to your wishes, calmly explain what certain treatments involve and answer your practical questions, such as our after-care, the prices of our plastic surgery and the contribution of the health insurance for plastic surgery. Each consultation takes place in an informal atmosphere and is completely free of obligations. You decide what happens to your body!


Plastic surgery in complete comfort

The day you will receive a new look is something to look forward to, which is why we strive to make it a good experience with as little physical discomfort as possible. The treatment or procedure is therefore performed in the greatest possible comfort, by a warm and enthusiastic team of male and female plastic surgeons. Afterwards, we provide thorough follow-up at no charge to ensure that you are 100% satisfied.

If you still have questions after reading this section, be sure to check out our question & answer page or get in touch with us for more information. Ready to take the next step? Schedule a no-obligation consultation in one of our practices. You can also schedule your consultation online in your specialist’s agenda.

Have you scheduled a treatment or procedure? On this page, you will find all the tips you need for optimal preparation.


Make an appointment

An appointment at Belgian Beauty Clinic is entirely without obligation. Contact us, and come with an easy mind. Our specialists will listen to your wishes and assist you with all your questions.